Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Can HCG Indeed Help You Lose Weight?

The weight loss industry is rife with fads, and every other day, I see a new fad coming up. Even more surprising than the rapid innovation of fads is how easily the common people are accepting these fads without thinking twice abut possible repercussions. People hope to lose weight quickly with the help of these fad products, but if you ask me, I never believe in fads, and never will! In this article I will tell you about the latest weight loss fad called HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) and how far it can help you lose weight.

To start with, if you are wondering that HCG is just another drug, you are dead wrong! It is just a hormone which is already present in the human body. The hormone is found in abundance in the body of pregnant women. This is the reason why any woman who tests positive for it is confirmed to be pregnant.

People didn't know about the benefits of HCG on overweight people until a notorious author called Kevin Trudeau came up with a book that claimed that HCG can indeed help people lose weight. For those who don't know, Kevin Trudeau has already spent a considerable amount of time in jail for several violations of FTC guidelines. While Kevin Trudeau claims that HCG is a miraculous hormone that can help people lose weight quicker than any other weight loss supplement, there is no medical or scientific evidence that backs up this claim. Not even the manufacturers who produce a synthesized version of this hormone claim that it is beneficial for obese people. It is only a handful of doctors and experts who are claiming that they have proof of its effectiveness on overweight people.

For almost forty years, several tests and studies were done on HCG to prove the validity of these claims. A lot of research was done regarding the effectiveness of HCG on overweight people. No study or research done till date has been able to prove that HCG indeed helps one lose weight. So how can the doctors claim the opposite?

Well, in case you don't know, if you opt for HCG treatment, doctors will also ask you to follow a low calorie diet. So whether it is the low calorie diet or the HCG hormone that is helping people to lose weight is not clear.
Last but not the least, HCG has been banned in the US long time ago. If you want to purchase synthetic HCG, you will need to purchase it either from the black market or import it from another country, both of which can prove very costly for you!

If you take my advice, I would recommend that until the effectiveness of HCG is fully proved, you should just follow the old method of healthy food plan and exercises. Health food plan doesn't mean that you will have to diet; just eat lost of raw vegetables and fruits, and drink lots of water, and make sure that you avoid the fatty and junk foods as much as possible! This is a proven way to weight loss success.


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